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Super BIM: Navigating the Shadows of Construction Overcharges with Cutting-Edge Tech

Welcome to a journey into the darker realms of construction where numbers can be as towering as the structures they're meant to build. Today, we're diving into a curious case from sunny Arizona, where a seemingly straightforward home construction has twisted into a labyrinth of lumber and numbers.

The Case at Hand 

Craydl was brought on board to conduct a thorough audit for a grand 12,000-square-foot residence, an architectural dream begun in 2021 with its framing rising in 2022. Fast forward to 2024, and the frame stands largely complete. Here's the kicker: the lumber, initially estimated to cost around $106,000, has skyrocketed in expense, culminating in a jaw-dropping final bill exceeding $700,000—over six times the initial estimate! The homeowner suspects this hefty sum includes materials not intended for their project. 

The Tech Detective: Scan-to-BIM 

How can we verify these suspicions now that the structure is mostly up? This is where our hero, Super BIM (Building Information Modeling), enters the stage. 

A tablet displays a program labelled "Super BIM" - digital construction plans, a magnifying glass, and a small robot mascot are also visible.

Step 1: Gather Existing Data 

Our baseline assumption is that the builder has accurately recorded all materials purchased specifically for this project, a low bar of operational fortitude.  The invoiced total should align with these records, minus any agreed-upon markups, say 10%. Therefore, for a $700,000 bill, we should find receipts totaling approximately $636,364 for materials directly allocated to this build. 

Step 2: Deploy Cutting-Edge Technology 

Utilzing Scan-to-BIM, a process involving precise LiDAR scans of the construction site while it's still accessible. This approach not only captures the current state of the construction but serves as the foundation to create a highly detailed model in Revit. 

Step 3: Model and Analyze 

In Revit (software developed by Autodesk), we employ best practices to model every aspect of the construction—from the framing to the roof and shear plans. This includes a meticulous setup of material assemblies and family utilization, ensuring every piece of lumber and hardware is accounted for in our digital blueprint. 

Step 4: Material Schedule vs. Purchase Records 

Once our model is complete, it generates a comprehensive material schedule that we then cross-reference with the list of materials billed to the customer. This not only confirms the accuracy of the billing but also highlights any discrepancies. 

The Power of Super BIM 

By harnessing the capabilities of BIM technology, we're not just building structures; we're building transparency and trust. This case shows how advanced tech like Scan-to-BIM can turn the tides in dispute resolution, ensuring every beam and nail is exactly where it should be—both physically and financially. 

A tablet is visible showing a program labelled "Super BIM". It is showing digital constructions drawings, and a magnifying glass. A small robot mascot is also visible. In the background, celebratory fireworks are pictured.

Now that's not just cool; it's Super BIM cool! 

Subscribe below for more tales from the construction world, where technology meets tenacity to tackle the toughest challenges. 



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